Georgia's Sole Black Senate Candidate's Chances May Depend on Black Voters

The reverend is a relative newcomer to the political arena. And in order to win this close race, Warnock will need Black voters' support.
Georgia's Sole Black Senate Candidate's Chances May Depend on Black Voters
Warnock and incumbent Sen. Kelly Loeffler have been locked in a tight—and often fractious— race for one of Georgia's Senate seats. Although Warnock’s white Republican opponent garnered fewer votes than Warnock in the November 2020 general election, she could prevail in the January 2021 runoff if the pattern of Black voter drop off in Georgia’s runoffs persists. If voter outreach and GOTV efforts do not focus heavily on Black voters, Warnock’s chances—especially against his independently wealthy, GOP machine-backed opponent —will suffer. In order to win, Warnock will need to mobilize Black voters in particular, who historically vote Democrat. "In Georgia, Blacks can assume the role of a decisive voting bloc," wrote American studies professor, Roger House, for The Hill.
John agrees with this fact based on
Reliable polling and past voting records
African-American Senators
Georgia's Raphael Warnock and the new capital of Black America
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